Monday, 11 July 2011

Personal Learning Environments

As previous post, a curated page or two on PLE's.   Thanks to

Tech Effect Me and the Organisation

Two specific technologies come to mind when looking at impact upon me and my own CPD and Learning.  The First is Twitter which has shifted my CPD from something I did specifically at pre-arranged events or conferences to an almost daily, ongoing habit. Twitter, via recommendations, opened a whole avenue of investigation, comment and thought from both peers and fellow practitioners.  The second technology, is that of aggregation and curation  through channels such as!  I have found  myself stepping from reading others comments in a haphazard way, to curating their words, articles and musings into a topic which is relevant to me and my peers and those within my organisation who are targets of change.  Again, this is happening daily and while it will reduce it has been the primary reason for being so far behind this last week or two

My own organisation is benefiting through access to the same sources that I am reading and for those that choose to access these materials they shall be better informed. Example of! curated by Me!!