Thursday, 23 September 2010

Moon, 2005 - Reflection, ICW and Contextualized Military Training

Learning through Reflection.  Moon, J. 2005. 

Moon, 2005 states that reflection is 'not an 'add-on-extra' to academic learning , but an essential component of good quality learning' and that there is a qualitative difference between reflective learning which has a 'surface approach' where learners simply try to retain new information as opposed to reflection where deep connections are made and the information is linked to and modifies previously understood material.  It is this difference of deep v's surface links that I wish to explore. The Royal Navy and MoD in general holds the belief that contextualized military training is inherently necessary to deliver competent Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen.  There is also widespread belief that Interactive CourseWare (ICW) and E-learning materials will not, or cannot develop the mentally agile serviceman or woman required on the front line of Afghanistan.  However, reading and extrapolating  Moon, 2005, I'm tempted to suggest otherwise.

Knowledge delivered via ICW, which is then utilized in a practical 'hands on' scenario requires the knowledge to be reflected upon in order to move it and contextualize it for oneself in another domain.  Where as 'hands on' knowledge acquisition into 'hands on' application does not require repackaging or re-conceptualization and therefore deeper reflection. The concept of tool control, delivered against the backdrop of a Tornado aircraft associates Tool control in that Domain (the Tornado).  Tool Control and Tornados 'just do or are'.  But what the RAF actually means or requires is for the Airmen to realise that Tool Control is pertinent to any Aircraft type.  Thus by delivering knowledge via ICW and then moving to any A/C type the Student is required to re-conceptualize the knowledge gained, reflecting upon it and creating deeper understanding and connections with existing knowledge.  When the Aircraft type changes, the principles applied by the trainee regarding Tool Control doesn't.

ICW knowledge based training 1.  Contextualized Military Training 0  

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